
Monday, July 5, 2010

Fixed Roman Shades

We've lived in our new house for about 3 months now and I am happy to say that the master bedroom is FINALLY finished. I had such a hard time finding what I wanted for the bedroom due to a framed picture we purchased for above the bed. It seemed difficult impossible to find the exact blue green that covered the majority of the picture. I was frequenting T.J Maxx, Marshall's, Home Goods, and every other home store with no luck each week. Finally (on week 4 of searching), I found my decorations for the room at Z Gallery, Crate and Barrel and Bed, Bath and Beyond. Since the decorations were taken care of, it was onto the windows. After searching for almost two weeks for window treatments without any luck, I called on my mom for help. She has a knack for sewing and I knew she would be happy to help me figure out what to do with the windows. I decided on the fixed roman shades as the style I wanted and we were off to Jo Ann's to find the fabric. I brought a candlestick with me as a guide and we found a fabric I am in love with. We were especially lucky the day we purchased the fabric because everything we bought was half off!!!
Here is what we used as a guide to make the shades. I am proud to say that I made almost the entire shade for each window, with a good deal of guidance from my mom of course. I would recommend ironing the fabric at each fold to make the sewing easier. We made mine to fit inside the window, instead of hanging over (not intentionally, learning experience =-)) The shades took about 3 hours to make and need lots of measuring and double checking. It was totally worth the time and the total cost of each shade was about $20.00, including the curtain rod. Here are a few photos of the making of the shades and the finished room. Enjoy!

1 comment :

  1. Bedroom look so smart and elegant...Shades and shutters add more to it's value.
    window shutters clayton, ca
