
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bow Holders

Now that I am spending a lot of time making bows, it only makes sense to have somewhere to put them. What I love about this creation is that they can be personalized. I'm going to start selling my bow creations soon and think I'm going to add these to my inventory.

1 piece of ribbon, cut to the length of your choice (my preference is 20in-30in)
1 D ring- I used 1 1/4in.
hot glue
Wood decoration for child's initial or name (I find these at craft stores and they go on sale often & they are painted already)
1. Fold ribbon over D ring and glue.
2. Personalize the wood decoration with initial or name of choice. I used a new Sharpie paint pen, LOVED it!

3. Glue wood decoration onto the ribbon. I've made one with the D ring hanging out and another hiding it behind the wood. I recommend putting the glue on the wood and positioning from there.
4. Fray check the ends of your ribbon, let dry.

1 comment :

  1. Okkkk you need to get pregnant and it has to be a girly girl! You are too creative and I love it. I want one!!!
