Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Crayon Monogram

I started with a plain wooden letter.  Next, I painted it green.  I painted two coats on all sides except the front.  Since the crayons will cover the front.  After that, I painted a coat of Mod Podge over the green.  Let it dry.  The final step is to hot glue the crayons to the front of the letter.  I didn't do a particular pattern, but I tried my best to make sure the Crayola logo on all the crayons lined up.  I tried a few different directions and decided it looked best with all the crayons facing the same way.   In order to get the crayons in the middle to fit, I used a knife to cut them.  That's it, simple as that. I can't wait to add this decoration to my classroom!

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